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How Long is the Air Duct Cleaning Process in an HVAC System?

air duct cleaning

Air ducts are important components in your HVAC system. They perform smooth heating and cooling of the unit. Clogged or dirty air ducts can lead to high energy bills and asthma or breathing diseases. You may feel perplexed as to how much time you should invest in an essential ductwork cleaning process. Let’s delve into the cleaning process of air ducts and how long does vent cleaning take.

The Importance of Air Duct Cleaning

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be 60% to 70% more polluted than outside air. These pollutants in your home get sucked into your HVAC ventilation system. Thus, this polluted air will contaminate the whole house. Serious health problems can occur, like asthma or allergies. The ac unit will also lose efficiency gradually. Therefore, air duct cleaning on a regular basis is important. It will improve the indoor air quality and retain the efficiency of your HVAC system.

How Long does Air Duct Cleaning Take?

On average, the complete air duct cleaning process should take from two to four hours. However, the duration of the process will vary depending on certain factors. Let’s read how each factor affects the longevity of the cleaning process:

Size of your home

A duct cleaning process can take from 2 to 7 hours, depending on how large or small your home is. If you own a large property, it is evident that your HVAC system will have extensive ductwork. Expect the duration of the cleaning process of air ducts to be around 2 to 4 hours if your house is small. Consider investing 5 to 7 hours if your house is large.

Number of attached components 

There are various components attached to the air ducts that also need thorough cleaning. These components include vents, air filters, return registers, furnaces, condenser coils, and duct covers. A full duct cleaning process also includes cleaning off dust and debris from the vents and furnaces. Also cleaning of condenser coils, and cleaning or replacing the air filters should be done. The more attached components there are, the longer it will take.

Commercial or residential property

Along with the size of the property, the time of the duct cleaning process also depends on the type of property you own. Commercial properties generally have bigger and more complex HVAC systems than residential properties. So, it will take more time to clean the ductwork. Also, accessibility comes into play in commercial properties. The cleaning process in residential properties is likely to be less interrupted.

Condition of the air ducts

If your air ducts are new or well-maintained and cleaned routinely, then naturally the cleaning process will take a short time. But if your air ducts are old and poorly maintained, then the cleaning process will take longer. It can take a whole day if there is a need for replacements.

Cleaning process of air ducts 

It is not advised to clean the air ducts of your HVAC system on your own. Not only will you not have the necessary tools, but you can also damage the ventilation system. A commercial air duct cleaning service requires a lot of tools. Efficient and effective ways are implied for the lengthy process. A professional cleaning process requires the following steps:

  • Initially, the ducts will be thoroughly inspected to locate any damage or blockage.
  • A negative pressure will be created in the ducts to remove increased dirt. 
  • Industrial tools will be used like rotating brushes, air jets, etc. to remove dust, dirt, and debris collected in the ducts.
  • Sanitization and disinfection will be done to remove any contaminants like mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses. 
  • The technician will confirm that every part of the ductwork and ventilation system is operating properly. This will ensure smooth and efficient performance of the system.

How Often do Air Ducts Need to be Cleaned?

Air filters need to be cleaned multiple times in a year, and it can be DIY work. But, air ducts require professional cleaning once every three or five years. However, you should be more frequent in inspecting your ductwork if there are smokers in the vicinity of your system, you have furry pets, or you live in a locality with poor air quality.

When Should the Ductwork be Cleaned?

There are some sure signs you need to notice to realize that you require ductwork cleaning:

  • The air vents have accumulated dust and debris in them, and it is blowing dirty air. 
  • You are seeing dust particles circulating in the air when exposed to sunlight in your house.
  • You are observing more dust than usual on the furniture and walls of your house, and their colors seem abnormal.


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